; Total Recorder players templates ; version 7.1.090721 ; ; This file is used by Total Recorder PE,DE to get clips ; info from players. ; ; THE FILE STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION ; ; The file consists of sections. Each section contains ; description of particular player. The description has ; the following format: ; [PlayerName] ; CLASSNAME="Player's window class name" ; DISPNAME="Display name for the player" ; FORMAT="Window title template 1" ; ... ; FORMAT="Window title template n" ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; Winamp 2.xx, 5.xx series ; On the basis of Winamp v. 2.91 ; [Winamp 2.xx] CLASSNAME="Winamp v1.x" DISPNAME="Winamp 2.xx, 5.xx" ; ; Example: 1. [Buffer: 7%] Artist - Title - Winamp FORMAT=". [Buffer: ] - - Winamp<Unused>" ; ; Example: 1. [Buffer: 93%] My Radio - Winamp FORMAT="<Unused>. [Buffer: <Unused>] <Title> - Winamp<Unused>" ; ; Example: 1. Artist - Title - Winamp[stopped] FORMAT="<Unused>. <Artist> - <Title> - Winamp<Unused>" ; ; Example: 1. file - Winamp[stopped] ; Example: 1. My Radio - Winamp FORMAT="<Unused>. <Title> - Winamp<Unused>" ; Winamp 3.xx series ; [Winamp 3] CLASSNAME="STUDIO" ; ; Example: 1. Artist - Title (0:02) (stopped) FORMAT="<Unused>. <Artist> - <Title> (<Unused>" ; ; Example: 1. file (0:02) (playing) ; Example: 1. My Radio (playing) FORMAT="<Unused>. <Title> (<Unused>" ; Windows Media Player 7.1 - 11.x ; ; Note: Clip Info from Windows Media Player 7.1 - 11.x will not ; be retrieved if special visualization plug-in for ; Windows Media Player is not activated in WMP: ; ; View ; Visualizations ; Clip info for TR ; Clip info for Total Recorder ; ; This plug-in is installed automatically with TR 4.3 (and later) PE, DE. ; [Windows Media Player 7-9 Series] CLASSNAME="HighCriteria TotalRecorder WMP plugin vis" DISPNAME="Windows Media Player 7.x-11.x" FORMAT="Info from WMP: Title=[<Title>] Artist=[<Artist>] Album=[<Album>] Year=[<Year>] Genre=[<Genre>] TrackN=[<Track>] Comment=[<Comment>] Composer=[<Composer>] Text=[<Text>] URL=[<URL>] Station=[<Station>]" ; Windows Media Player 6.4 ; [Windows Media Player 6.4] CLASSNAME="Media Player 2" ; ; Example: My Radio - Audio Stream - Windows Media Player FORMAT="<Title> - Audio Stream - Windows Media Player" ; ; Example: file.mp3 - Windows Media Player FORMAT="<Title>.<Unused> - Windows Media Player" ; RealOne Player ; On the basis of RealOne Player v 2.0 ; [RealOne Player] CLASSNAME="GeminiWindowClass" ; ; Example: RealOne Player: Title ; Example: RealOne Player: My Radio FORMAT="RealOne Player: <Title>" ; RealPlayer ; On the basis of RealPlayer v ; [RealPlayer] CLASSNAME="PNGUIClass" DISPNAME="RealPlayer 6.x" ; ; Example: RealPlayer: Title ; Example: RealPlayer: My Radio FORMAT="RealPlayer: <Title>" ; RealPlayer 10 ; On the basis of RealPlayer 10.0 Beta Build ; [RealPlayer 10] CLASSNAME="GeminiWindowClass" DISPNAME="RealPlayer 10.x-11.x" ; ; Example: RealPlayer: Title - Artist FORMAT="RealPlayer: <Title> - <Artist>" ; ; Example: RealPlayer: Title FORMAT="RealPlayer: <Title>" ; MUSICMATCH Jukebox ; On the basis of MUSICMATCH Jukebox v. 7.1 ; [MUSICMATCH Jukebox] CLASSNAME="MMJB:MAINWND" ; ; Example: "Title" by Artist - MUSICMATCH Jukebox FORMAT=""<Title>" by <Artist> - MUSICMATCH Jukebox" ; ; Example: "file" - MUSICMATCH Jukebox FORMAT=""<Title>" - MUSICMATCH Jukebox" ; ; MUSICMATCH Jukebox v. 9: FORMAT=""<Title>" by <Artist> - Musicmatch Jukebox" FORMAT=""<Title>" - Musicmatch Jukebox" ; FreeMP3Player ; On the basis of FreeMP3Player v. 2.2.0 ; [FreeMP3Player] CLASSNAME="FreeMP3Player" ; ; Example: FreeMP3Player: Title - Artist FORMAT="FreeMP3Player: <Title> - <Artist>" ; ; Example: FreeMP3Player: file ; Example: FreeMP3Player: My Radio FORMAT="FreeMP3Player: <Title>" ; UltraPlayer ; On the basis of UltraPlayer v. 2.112 ; [UltraPlayer] CLASSNAME="UltraPlayerMainWindowClass88667" ; ; Example: 1. Artist-Title (3:12) - UltraPlayer FORMAT="<Unused>. <Artist>-<Title> (<Unused>) - UltraPlayer" ; ; Example: 1. file (4:36) - UltraPlayer FORMAT="<Unused>. <Title> (<Unused>) - UltraPlayer" ; ; Example: 1. My Radio - UltraPlayer FORMAT="<Unused>. <Title> - UltraPlayer" ; Sonique ; On the basis of Sonique v. 1.96 ; [Sonique] CLASSNAME="Sonique Window Class" ; ; Example: http://999.99.99.999:9999/ FORMAT="http://<URL>" ; ; Example: http://999.99.99.999:9999/ - http://999.99.99.999:9999/ FORMAT="http://<URL> - <Unused>" ; ; Example: 01-file.mp3 - Artist / Title - sonique ; Example: file.mp3 - Artist / Title - sonique FORMAT="<Unused> - <Artist> / <Title> - sonique" ; ; Example: 01-file.mp3 - Artist / Title ; Example: file.mp3 - Artist / Title FORMAT="<Unused> - <Artist> / <Title>" ; ; Example: file.mp3 - sonique FORMAT="<Title>.<Unused> - sonique" ; ; Example: file.mp3 FORMAT="<Title>.<Unused>" ; QCD Player ; [QCD Player] CLASSNAME="PlayerCanvas" ; ; Example: QCD: [9 0:02] http://999.99.99.999:9999/ FORMAT="QCD: [<Unused>] http://<URL>" ; ; Example: QCD: [7 0:01] Artist / Title FORMAT="QCD: [<Unused>] <Artist> / <Title>" ; ; Example: QCD: [2 0:01] file FORMAT="QCD: [<Unused>] <Title>" ; STP2 ; On the basis of STP2 v 0725 ; [STP2] CLASSNAME="STPAppClass" ; ; Example: "Artist - Title" FORMAT="<Artist> - <Title>" ; ; Example: "file" FORMAT="<Title>" ; YahooMusicEngine -=< Created using TR Template Wizard >=- ; ; Russ Silbiger, September 14, 2005 ; [YahooMusicEngine] CLASSNAME="YMPFrame" ; ; Example: The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up - Yahoo! Music Engine FORMAT="<Artist> - <Title> - Yahoo! Music Engine" ; Yahoo! Music Jukebox ; [YahooMusicJukebox] CLASSNAME="YMPFrame" DISPNAME="Yahoo! Music Jukebox" ; FORMAT="<Artist> - <Title> - Yahoo! Music Jukebox" FORMAT="<Title> - Yahoo! Music Jukebox" ; XaMp studio ; On the basis of XaMp studio beta 0.4.6 ; [XaMpstudio] CLASSNAME="TFormXaMp" DISPNAME="XaMp studio" ; ; Example: XaMp studio: The 40s (XM 4): Duke Ellington - Cotton Tail FORMAT="XaMp studio: <Album> (XM <Unused>): <Artist> - <Title>" ; XM Radio XM/PCR ; ; Based on XM Satellite Radio PC Player ; Buddy Stein - bstein@hostcandy.com 1/29/04 ; [XM Radio XM/PCR] CLASSNAME="#32770" ; FORMAT="(((XM))) <Unused> <Artist>, <Title>" ; Last.fm ; [Last.fm] CLASSNAME="QWidget" ; ; Example: Kelly Rowland – Heaven FORMAT="<Artist> – <Title>" ; foobar2000 ; [foobar2000] CLASSNAME="{97E27FAA-C0B3-4b8e-A693-ED7881E99FC1}" ; ; Example: [Carmine Meo #03] Spente Le Stelle [foobar2000 v0.9.5] FORMAT="[<Album> #<Track>] <Title> [foobar2000 <Unused>]" ; ; Example: Emma Shapplin - [Carmine Meo #03] Spente Le Stelle [foobar2000 v0.9.5] FORMAT="<Artist> - [<Album> #<Track>] <Title> [foobar2000 <Unused>]" ; ; Example: [Carmine Meo] Spente Le Stelle [foobar2000 v0.9.5] FORMAT="[<Album>] <Title> [foobar2000 <Unused>]" ; ; Example: Emma Shapplin - [Carmine Meo] Spente Le Stelle [foobar2000 v0.9.5] FORMAT="<Artist> - [<Album>] <Title> [foobar2000 <Unused>]" ; ; Example: Song [foobar2000 v0.9.5] FORMAT="<Title> [foobar2000 <Unused>]" ; Rhapsody player through ActiveX Control ; While installing Rhapsody player "Install ActiveX Control" should be checked ; [RhapsodyActiveX-IE] CLASSNAME="IEFrame" DISPNAME="Rhapsody (ActiveX) + Internet Explorer" ; ; Example: Title by Artist - Rhapsody Player - Windows Internet Explorer FORMAT="<Title> by <Artist> - Rhapsody Player - <Unused>" ; [RhapsodyActiveX-Firefox] CLASSNAME="MozillaUIWindowClass" DISPNAME="Rhapsody (ActiveX) + Mozilla Firefox" ; ; Example: Title by Artist - Rhapsody Player - Mozilla Firefox FORMAT="<Title> by <Artist> - Rhapsody Player - <Unused>" [Rhapsody_4X] CLASSNAME="HighCriteria TotalRecorder Rhapsody plugin" DISPNAME="Rhapsody 4.x" ; ; Requires installation of Total Recorder Now playing plug-in for Rhapsody 4.x. ; To install the plug-in: ; - Simply copy the TRRhapsodyNowPlaying.dll to the Rhapsody plug-in ; folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Rhapsody\plugins"). ; FORMAT="Info from Rhapsody: Title=[<Title>] Artist=[<Artist>] Album=[<Album>] Comment=[<Comment>]" ; Total Recorder ; On the basis of Total Recorder v. 4.2 ; [Total Recorder] CLASSNAME="TotalRecorderWndClass" ; ; Example: file.wav (c:\music\file.wav) - Total Recorder FORMAT="<Title>.<Unused> - Total Recorder"